février 17, 2011

In the "Fabrication française" but first in the Bleu Blanc Rouge colors.
Inside this famous book of Cartier-Bresson.
In this illustration of David Rager.
Around the wrist of this Tenue de Nîmes dutch fisherman sweater.
Behind this New Balance.
On this type.
Near this blanket even if I don't like the brand Commune de Paris.
At the back of this leather jacket.
In this type also.
Inside this Moncler jacket.
On the tag of this soldier trench available here.
Not really on this wallet.
On this bag for sure.
Not on this too branded one.
And not here, sorry Jpress.
This "french" trend draws our attention on the old french style. More particularly on the Apache style thanks Mister Freedom.
Apaches were gangs of dangerous parisians issued from the lower working class at the begining of the last century.
Pimping, street fighting and stealing were their principals activities
but dancing in local dance halls called "guinguettes" was maybe their favourite one.

6 commentaires:

  1. Hélas aujourd'hui les Apaches ne sont plus vraiment "cools", et les marquages sur le sol "Paris est Apache" ou encore "Paris est patrie" renvoient à des choses bien peu sympathiques bien que constitutifs de charmants slogans : http://www.projet-apache.com/

  2. Biensur! il s'agit là de faire un pied de nez à tout cela en reprenant certains codes afin de leur redonner leur sens initial. Idem pour le drapeau français que s'est approprié le FN.

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKV5ju2ZPKI&feature=related

  4. What you don't like France after the 20th century? France of the post-20th century is not cool to you? 30 years from now will you be so a French patriot when Paris looks like Cario?

  5. This is the coolest one you've done. Is there any significance to the number on Tenue de Nimes?

  6. Yes, they just made 24 pieces of this fisherman knit.
    Thanks a lot.
