juin 11, 2014

In the genius and prolific composer Les Baxter.
Have a look at the art direction of these covers, it's sweating sun, girls and coconuts.
One or two of his songs will be available in the next and last WITC playlist.

5 commentaires:

  1. I'm sorry to hear that this will be the last playlist; I've found a lot of cool music through them. Well, thanks, at any rate! Merci beaucoup!

  2. Thanks a lot Mason.
    If I had more compliments like these, maybe I would continue but just a few people are really interested by discovering music.. They prefer to refer straight to Pitchfork.. it s a bit sad..

  3. I do not agree with you Laurent. I'm part of the guys who follows WITC since a few years now and I do enjoy the playlists too ! It would be great if you continue, I do remember the first one you posted a while ago with that incredible 'where is my mind' piano version.... So I believe it completes your nice search, cheers ! The dubliner.

  4. Where Is The Cool? Not Pitchfork.
